ISO Quality Test Center - Prometric
ISO Quality Test Center Partner
The mission of Iso-Quality Testing, Inc. (IQT) is to provide secure, user-friendly, high quality, reasonably-priced computerized examination delivery services to credentialing bodies, and the candidates which they examine, at available secure and monitored locations around the world.
Experts in Virtually Every Job Family
We are fully committed to providing comprehensive and cost-effective computer-based testing solutions to credentialing bodies, and competent consultation services on matters pertaining to the administration of examinations via computer. The term ISO refers to OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS, and reflects our core philosophy of providing optimal and high-quality solutions to our clients. ISO Quality has a high level of variations of test sponsor that caters Medical certifications for doctors and practitioners, Agricultural tests, IT and Social Science certifications, and many others that suits to the client needs in achieving their dreams.

Examination Development
The development of a valid examination begins with a clear and concise definition of the tasks, knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for competent job performance. Using interviews, surveys, observation, and group discussions, IC&RC works with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the field to delineate critical job components. The knowledge and skill bases for the questions in the examination are derived from the actual provision of services in the field. Examination questions are written by certified individuals or those otherwise deemed as SMEs in the field. SMEs are trained in item writing best practices and assisted by IC&RC’s professional testing company when writing questions. All examination questions are written in a multiple choice format with four response options. One of these options represents the BEST response and credit is granted only for selection of this response.
Exam Administration
Examinations are administered via Computer Based Testing (CBT). Not all forms of administration are offered by all IC&RC Member Boards. Please consult your local board in order to determine your testing options.

How can I find out where a test center is located?
A list of all IQT testing centers can be found at ISO Quality. or by calling IQT toll free at +1-866-773- 1114.
Can I cancel and/or reschedule my test appointment via the IQT Web site?
Exams can only be cancelled or rescheduled 5 days or more PRIOR to your scheduled examination date. Canceling or rescheduling an exam is done directly through IQT’s website at ISO Quality. Complete instructions for canceling or rescheduling an examination are listed below. For technical assistance, please contact IQT at (866) 773-1114 (toll free).
How long will it take for my eligibility or authorization to test to be downloaded into the system so that I can schedule an appointment to test?
Please note that not all Licensing Authorities/Sponsors require eligibility to take their exam, therefore, you may be able to test immediately. For those programs requiring eligibility, the files are downloaded and test appointment scheduling is available within 24-48 hours of receiving authorization from the licensing authority.
Why would my local test center tell me that they don’t schedule appointments?
The testing centers’ primary purpose is to administer exams. Candidates should visit our website or contact our Candidate Service Center to schedule an exam appointment. Test center staff are not able to schedule appointments for their test center under any circumstances.
How do I obtain the appointment date and time I want to take my exam?
When you go to our website or speak to a representative from our Candidate Service Center you will be asked to provide your preferred test date. The first available time slot on that date will be offered to you. If your preferred appointment date is not available, a Candidate Service Center representative will work with you to identify a convenient appointment date.
My appointment is scheduled for today, however the testing center is closed. What should I do?
In rare cases weather or an emergency forces a test center closure. If this happens you will be contacted by the ISO Quality rescheduling department within 24-48 hours to reschedule your appointment. We apologize for any inconvenience. Real time site information is posted at ISO Quality
How far in advance must you schedule an exam?
Exam sessions are available at least 6 weeks in advance. You will have the best opportunity to schedule your preferred date if you contact us 4-6 weeks prior to your preferred date.
When should I plan to arrive at the testing center?
You should arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes before the test is scheduled to begin.
What type of identification must I bring to the test center?
ID requirements vary by Licensing Authority or Sponsor. It is the examinee’s responsibility to review the ID requirements for the exam you are taking before making your appointment. Please refer to your Candidate Information Bulletin for their specific ID requirements.
Can my exam be taken on my PC, or do I have to go to one of your centers to test?
All exams must be administered at a IQT’s Test Center unless specifically mandated by your exam’s Licensing Authority/Sponsor.
Are there lockers? Can I keep my purse with me?
Yes, there are lockers. However, because the only item allowed into the testing area is identification, we encourage test takers to leave personal items at home or locked securely in your car’s trunk.
I am on medication. May I bring drinks/food into the testing room?
Food and drinks are not permitted in the testing rooms. Some of the exams that we administer do allow you to take a break. The exams that do not offer break time will allow you to leave the testing area to get a drink or take medication. However, the amount of time designated for that exam is not stopped when you are away from your computer.
How crowded are the testing rooms? I need to be in a quiet environment.
A typical Test Center seats 10 candidates. Test center proctors provide a quiet and comfortable environment for all test takers. Noise reducing earplugs are available for an even quieter environment. Your Test center proctor would be glad to assist you if you have questions.